lundi 29 juin 2009
dimanche 28 juin 2009
samedi 27 juin 2009
In the garden of my secrecies

In the garden of my secrecies
I like to sit down and rest
with the noise of the birds
and wind in the back
There in the garden of my secrecies
you are the only one to trott
you the only one with being able
to remain in all peace
In the garden of my secrecies
you are the only one with all to divide
with being able to look at me
in the garden of my secrecies
one is the only ones to love.
vendredi 26 juin 2009
I saw

In your eyes I saw my life
my dreams, my desires
in your heart I saw my happiness
to beat to hundred per hour
I saw our love
to bind for always
I need so much you
I do not see my life without you
you are the angel in which I believe
On the ground entiére
I will continue to be your captive
and we would be more than two
eyes in the eyes….
jeudi 25 juin 2009
Our way

I have so much things to say to you
that makes me suffer
not to be at your sides
for all to divide
I will have liked all to change
not the present, but the past
and to live our love
at the great day
I will trace our way
with my own hands
and I will wait every following day
that one sets out again finally….
mercredi 24 juin 2009
I hide in me
mardi 23 juin 2009
Small wink...for Renée

Rêver de toi
Encore une fois
Ne suffit pas
On partira
Comme ça, et-cetera
On ira ou tu voudras
Naviguant par - ci , par-là
Naufragée entre tes bras
On se reposera, on s'aimera
Reposé par la nuit, on repartira....
lundi 22 juin 2009
dimanche 21 juin 2009
Only without you

Only without you
I do not know any more what to make ego
I am lost each day
without your love
I will like that you return
that you would be mine
that my life is with holds
no matter what it occurs
Sometimes desire all for releasing
to be at your sides
to see our love existing
simply to love you ...........
samedi 20 juin 2009
I was a Princess

I was a Princess
without heart, nor tenderness
I reigned on the whole ground
I was warlike
In mythology
my old life
I could fight the Gods
Olympus and of all the skies
but not the gleam in your eyes
My Amazon de Poteidaia
there was only you to do that to me
my Gabrielle angel
you returned to me so beautiful .....
vendredi 19 juin 2009
I will never cease loving you
jeudi 18 juin 2009
One evening of rain
mercredi 17 juin 2009
I will build

I will build a forteress
or you will be my goddess
i will cover you tendernesses
i will be your princess
I will imprison your sadnesses
so that they cease
i will build a world
or we share each second
Our lives will be looked at
to grow at infinitium
i will build a tower
to protect our love
I love you so extremely
that i still tremble about it
i do not want that changes
i love you my angel.
mardi 16 juin 2009
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